Jun 2022

Conference "Tourism and Cinema" in Invat tur

The Invat·tur Technological Laboratory has hosted the celebration of the conference 'Tourism and Cin...
The Invat·tur Technological Laboratory has hosted the celebration of the conference 'Tourism and Cinema', with which the 34th Alfàs del Pi Film Festival has been launched. A video was presented at the event promotion of AVIBE, which has been carried out in collaboration with the Alfaz del Pí City Council, for the dissemination of the valuable natural, historical and intangible heritage recognized under the tourist seal 'L'Alfàs Natural Territory', which comes to position this town of the Costa Blanca as a world benchmark for healthy destinations. The influence of cinema and series on tourism, a phenomenon known as screen tourism, has only increased in recent years. This has been revealed during the celebration of the conference 'Tourism and Cinema', organized in Invat tur by the 34th l'Alfàs del Pi Film Festival. In addition to the President of AVIBE, Juan José Pérez Parker, the regional Secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer, the mayor of l'Alfàs, Vicente Arques, and the director of the Film Festival, Luis Larrodera, have participated in an event that has with Víctor Mirete, promotion manager of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, and M.ª Jesús Such, professor of Applied Economics at the University of Alcalá de Henares, as speakers.

According to the figures provided, more than 83 million foreigners chose our country as a destination in 2019. And although Spain is at the top of the ranking of the most visited countries in the world thanks to its monumental, natural and cultural wealth, its relationship with Cinema is yet another incentive for visitors to come to our country. A strategy that the Generalitat Valenciana is already working on, through the creation of the Film Office. This has been highlighted by the regional secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer. "Cinema is a very important lever for promotion," he stated. The mayor of l'Alfàs del Pi, Vicente Arques, spoke in the same vein. “The Film Festival was born 34 years ago as a cultural event. Today it is the event with the greatest tourist projection in the municipality, which also has a very important route as an element of economic dynamism", Arques pointed out. "80 million travelers chose their destination in 2018 based on series or films, therefore, this is a train that we cannot let go by”, stated Víctor Mirete. For her part, M.ª Jesús Such has defended in her presentation the need to rethink the Spanish tourism model in order to maintain competitiveness in the long term. And that is where innovation plays a fundamental role, with the commitment to Smart Tourist Destinations (DTIs), sustainability and diversification of the offer, where cinema can play a fundamental role as a tourist product. A statement that has also been shared the director of the l'Alfàs Film Festival, Luis Larrodera, referring to destinations that have become places of pilgrimage for fans of series such as Game of Thrones. So much so that various studies indicate that 30% of tourists to a place admit that they visit it after having seen it in the cinema or on television. The event has brought together professionals from the tourism sector and political authorities, among They are the General Director of Tourism, Herick Campos, the Alfasina Councilors for the Presidency, Mayte García, and for the Promotion of Employment, Dolores Albero, and the Councilor for Tourism, Luis Miguel Morant. The 34th Alfàs del Pi Film Festival will It will be held from July 2 to 10. A contest whose main mission is the promotion of cinema made in Spain and, especially, of Spanish short films.

This year, the Festival has increased the amount of the prizes up to 8,000 euros by incorporating a new award with economic endowment destined for productions made entirely in the Valencian Community. The Festival organization has received a total of 921 shorts, of which selected 23 to compete in the Official Section. Every year the selection process becomes more complicated due to the quality of the works presented. The Festival is a consolidated platform for discovering new talent, but it is also a tourist attraction of interest for l'Alfàs, which is committed to cinema as an added attraction to a destination that offers sun, beaches, heritage, culture, sports and nature, and That is why Avibe will carry out a promotional campaign to boost reservations for "cinema holidays in Alfaz del Pi" through its associated agencies.